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Does your kindle 3 reboot many times with the unlighted leather cover?

by 새벽강 2011. 1. 15.

Usually I don't post anything in English.
But this time I decide to write in english for (just few) people
who google about this problem.

Last sunday, I got a kindle 3 and a genuine amazon leather cover without light.

(I put a CD beside to figure out the size of the leather cover.)

사용자 삽입 이미지

In a couple of days my kindle rebooted many times a day.
Especially when I was putting my kindle into my backpack
or taking it back from my backpack,
the green light beside power switch turned on and it started reboot.
Sometimes when I was trying to hook kindle into the cover it rebooted.

Like many others online,
I suspected something with hinges(two hooks of the cover)
especially the upper hinge.

After all,
I called amazon.com and amazon refunded more money(60$)
than my unlighted cover cost(34.99$)
so I could buy the lighted cover now instead of unlighted one.

But the cover with light also have hinges(but those are metal hooks),
I could not be sure that the lighted version has no problem.
So I searched online a bit more about this issue and
I found this youtube clip of Dave from EEVblog.


After I saw what Dave was saying ,
before I throw the old kindle cover away,
I decided to try one more thing which hit my mind.

I don't know the exact reason of reboot problem.
I just scratched off the coated black paint of the lower hinge with a file
(both up side and back side) so metal part exposed.

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After this work, reboot problem stopped (at least today).
I need to watch for a couple of days more to make it sure.
I'll add comments about this next week.

One more thing I found is here,
I scratched off the edge of two hinges to measure the impedance,
(see a picture below, around the end of the red arrows)
Without kindle, two hooks are open circuit(like Dave's measurement),
it meant no electrical connection between two hinges.

But when I hooked my kindle into  the cover,
the impedace dropped from infinite(open) to around 200K Ohm.

What does this mean?
I'm not talking about some circuitry things inside.

It means the upper hinge, which I did nothing at all with it,
already has electrical contact with something inside kindle.  :O

It means my 'only a week old' leather cover's upper hinge is not insulated,
maybe from the beginning, but many people think it is insulated.
So the upper one might have no relationship with crash or reboot problem.

Actually it's a bit arguable because the lower hinge also might not be
insulated at all, and then there should be no diffrence between
before scratching off the black paint and after filing off the paint.

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Do you think 'Making electrical contact of lower hinge clear'
could make things better?

I'm not sure yet but will see soon.


After 2 days (17/Jan)
- It works fine without any problem yet, keeps well the last page.
 (when it rebooted at least once, it would show you the 'home' page)

After 4 days (19/Jan)
- Still it has no problem~  lol  

After a week (22/Jan)
- No problem for a week
- but can't sure 100% because I still don't know what caused the problem.
- If it goes another week without any trouble,
   I'll buy a pouch for a backup and buy some ebooks of Amazon
   instead of lighted cover with refunded $60.

After 10 days (25/Jan)
- At last it rebooted (at least once)
- When I took kindle out of my bag I found it lost the last page
   and it showed me the 'Home' page
- I think covers without hinges are better.  :(