엉터리 선문답14 the ordinary people After all, the ordinary people are just the ordinary which means they will never aware of the hypnosis or brainwashing for their whole life time. me neither.... 2010. 4. 4. The one same rule The most majestic thing of universe is the one same rule can be applied from viruses to highly complex creatures like us even to stars. All things compete(kill) each other, sometimes keep balance for some time, and at last pass away, to be nothing, to be the vacant. 2010. 4. 4. The end of happiness If you had all that you wanted to have, it would be the end of your happiness. Now, nothing could fill you up(satisfy you). 2009. 6. 12. 종교적 의견 Most religious people believe in "someone" between God and them, not God. They just can not distinguish the differences and, after all, worship someone else. Because of their innocent minds...... 2009. 6. 5. 행복 행복에 집착할수록 그만큼 더 불행해진다. 2009. 4. 28. 내가 웃으니 그 개도 나를 보고 웃었다 하지만 웃고 있는 것은 개다. 2008. 9. 24. 이전 1 2 3 다음